4252/4254 Zazzi Solid Colour Salt & Pepper Weave Bows
Zazzi Solid Colour Ties, Bows & Pocket Squares
B4252/4254 Zazzi Solid Colour Mix & Match
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Zazzi matching ties, bow ties, pocket squares & face masks in a salt & pepper weave. Each sold separately. Microfibre fabric in 15 colour options. Ideal for debs and weddings.

Zazzi matching tie, bow tie, pocket square and face mask
In a neat salt & pepper weave
Colour codes: 1 lt. pink, 2 pink, 3 dk. pink, 4 emerald, 5 teal, 6 green, 7 blue, 8 mint, 9 lt. green, 10 powder, 11, rose, 12 lt. rose, 13 nude, 14 peach, 15 lilac
Tie blade widths: 6cm (B4252) and 7.5cm (B4254)
Men's bow tie size: 4.5" (12cm) by 2" (5cm) - (B4254)
Boy's bow tie s
ize: 3.5" (9cm) by 2" (5cm) - (B4254)
Each bow tie has adjustable neck band with a metal hook and eye to fasten
Pocket square size: 9.5" (24cm) square
Face mask size: men's, ladies', kid's
Dry clean only
Prices available on request

Product Code: 4252-4254-BOWS



B4252/B4254 Zazzi Solid Colour Salt & Pepper Weave Ties, Bows, Pocket Squares & Face Masks