Home > TIES > POLYESTER TIES > Fletcher's Gallery


This is a sample selection of what we have in stock. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us for more information.
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Ties, Tie Sets, Bows & Pocket Squares Ties, Tie Sets, Bows & Pocket Squares Tie & pocket square
Zazzi & Fletcher's Gallery polyester end-on-end weave tie & Pocket square sets in a solid colour. 6cm & 7.5cm blade widths. Matching bow & pocket square sets. 6 colour options.

Zazzi & Fletcher's Gallery polyester rib weave tie & pocket square sets in a solid colour. 6cm & 7.5cm blade widths. Matching bow & pocket square sets. 9 colour options.

Fletcher's Gallery polyester ties in a spot pattern. 7.5cm blade width. Individual ties and tie & pocket square sets. 5 colour options.

Fletcher's Gallery Ties and Tie and Hanky Sets
Fletcher's Gallery polyester ties in a floral pattern. 7.5cm blade width. Individual ties and tie & pocket square sets. 9 colour options.